Can you help us
The Charity has historic funds worth over £600k which are carefully invested. However, the income that these investments generate is not sufficient for the scope of grants that we like to offer.
We are, therefore, dependant on the generosity of individuals and parishes, either by direct gifts, or by collections at special services (e.g. inductions, licensing, confirmations), or by fund raising events.
Donations can be made:
By BACS - Please contact the Treasurer for our bank details, Malcolm Dulwich, - 07807360533
If you are giving by BACS, please include a reference to enable us to identify the donor and send an email to the Treasurer advising of what you have done.
By Cheque - Cheques should be made out to "LMDC Charity" (please include the word 'Charity'), and sent to the Treasurer, Mr Malcolm Dulwich, 6 Briar Road, Great Dunmow, Essex, CM6 1ZL
Since we are a registered charity, we can also reclaim Gift Aid if a declaration is made adding 25% to every donation.
Gift Aid
Please click here to make an online Gift Aid declaration.
Please note that Gift Aid can also be claimed on the Small Donations Scheme for collections in special services.
Special Services
If you are organising a special service or fund-raising event for the Charity, the following form of words might be helpful for inclusion in publicity, programmes or Orders of Service:
The Charity for Licensed Ministers in the Diocese of Chelmsford
(Previously known as Essex Clergy Charity Corporation)
Our ministers give a great deal – but sometimes they are the ones who need to be on the receiving end. Emails continue to be received and the phone continues to ring even when ministers have problems of their own.
Fortunately, help is at hand: the LMDC Charity offers an immediate response to the needs of hard‐pressed clergy and some lay ministers – and their dependants – throughout the Diocese of Chelmsford (covering the whole of Essex, much of East London, and a small part of Cambridgeshire)
The size of each year’s grants depends upon our investment income and the generosity of individuals and parishes. Everyone here will have a strong sense of appreciation for the dedication of clergy and licensed lay ministers who have served us through the years, making this the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude.
[Registered Charity 239238]